School Bus
There is a daily school bus to and from Bjørnholt vgs that is free for all students and staff.
From the Central Train Station, platform R (on Strandgata) to Bjørnholt vgs:
Departures: 07.30 and 09.30
Stop at Ryen subway station (platform C, above the station): 07.40 and 9.40
Arrival at Bjørnholt vgs: 07.50 and 09.50
From Bjørnholt vgs to the Central Train Station, platform P (on Tollbugata):
Departures: 14:15 og 16:10
Stop at Ryen subway station (platform C, above the station): 14:25 and 16:20
Arrival at the Central Train Station, platform P: 14:35 og 16:30
Public Transportation in Oslo (
Youth (younger than 20 years old) can buy a 30-day or 7-day transport pass with a 50% discount from the adult rate. Transport passes can be used any day throughout the year, daytime and evening, and covers travel to and from school, work, and free time activities.