
Complaints & Appeals Procedure

According to Norway’s Education Act, §12-2 (2024) all students have the right to a safe and good school environment that promotes health, inclusion, well-being and learning. We have zero tolerance for offensive behaviour. Students’ individual rights can only be protected by our collective responsibility for each other.  

A safe school environment means, among other things, that students should not be harmed, and that students should feel that school is a secure place to be. Safety refers to relational security, emotional security, physical security and cultural security. Safety is also about knowing that the school will act if something happens. 

A good school environment means, among other things, that students should thrive at school, that they are included in the student body and feel that they are important in the community. A good school environment is about meeting students’ needs to belong, 

to contribute to the community, to achieve, and for independence and autonomy.  

If a student does not experience a safe and good school environment, the student may register a complaint. The first step is to address the complaint with the homeroom teacher and/or the student’s guidance counselor. If the student feels the situation is not resolved, the student may elevate the complaint to the department leader.