We expect all students to attend all lessons. We do understand that there may be days when a student is ill or must attend an appointment related to healthcare, residency permits, passports, etc. In cases of planned appointments, we ask that you make every effort to schedule these appointments when you do not have a lesson.
If you are too ill to attend school, you must notify your homeroom teacher as soon as possible. When are well enough, contact your subject teachers for information about what you are missing in lessons and how you can catch up. Illness must be documented with a doctor’s letter that you submit to your homeroom teacher.
Total absences must not exceed 10% of the total lessons in a subject.
Students who have more than 10% undocumented absences in any subject at the conclusion of the first year of the Diploma Program are not eligible to enroll in the second year of the program.
Students who have more than 10% undocumented absences in any subject at the conclusion of the third semester of the Diploma Program risk being withdrawn from IB Exam Registration. The International Baccalaureate Organization states that all students must receive a minimum number of hours of instruction in all subjects of the Diploma Programme (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, 2012, s. 9). The minimum requirement for Standard Level (SL) courses is 150 hours, and for Higher Level (HL) courses, 240 hours. If a student is absent, whatever the reason, they may not meet this requirement.